This past Friday, the big 22(while not quite as big as last year's, but still obviously just as important, especially based on this year's many days of celebrating), was kicked off with a fun weekend with some of my dearest friends from college. We met at my family's condo in The Berkshires where we indulged in cheap wine(yum), guac(double yum), and a bar named Zip's(nuff said).
On Saturday a few more of my wonderful friends came to The Berkshires where we yet again indulged ourselves, this time with a little more class, a bottle of skinny girl and gourmet pizza.
Monday proved to be a great addition to my birthday weekend! I not only got to experiment with my new camera, but swim in a fun lake too!
Finally(although not finally just yet!) I went to a fun dinner with my friends from home on Tuesday(the "official birthday"). At one point in the night my friends went around the table recapping their funniest Sarah memory. Ranked high among the list was the year that I gave them all a printed out birthday list, my subtleties are astounding I know.
More to come from the birthday celebration week because 4 days clearly just isn't enough!